Top3 clips of the week!

This driver gets a nasty shock when they try to drive another vehicle off the road. Nothing like a bit of Russian road karma!
If you’ve missed any of the previous week’s top videos, you can check them out here. If you find any interesting footage that you think should be included in our weekly round-up, tweet us at @NextbaseUK and we’ll take a look. And don’t forget, if you and your Nextbase catch something interesting or dangerous, do send it in via our video hub, and be entered into our monthly prize draw.
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This truck driver in Malaysia has had just about enough of inconsiderate drivers, and decides to take matters into his own hands…
If you thought your car was looking worse for wear, this’ll make you realise things could always be worse.

This week’s top 3 clips feature some Malaysian road rage, a car in desperate need of scrapping and why overtaking in Russia is something to think about very carefully. Surely that’s got to be worth a look?